Public transportation

Turin has an extensive public transportation network that, through a combination of subway, bus and streetcar, reaches all major university sites. The Metropolitan Railway Service also allows staff and students residing in the municipalities of the Turin belt to forgo the private car.
Torino local transportation is served by GTT – Gruppo Trasporti Torinese, which manages one subway line, urban and suburban networks. Buses and trams usually run from 5 a.m. until midnight on weekdays. On the weekend, at night, special lines called “Nightbuster” run until 5 a.m.
Tickets can be purchased at any news-stand, tobacconist, bar and at the 24h automatic vending machines available in every Metro station. You need to buy your bus/tram tickets/pass before boarding. The price of the ticket depends on the trip (local or suburban), on its length (one ticket lasts 70 minutes, but there are tickets for the whole day) and on the amount of tickets bought together (carnets of tickets offer discounts on the price of the single ticket).
On the GTT website you can check out prices, passes, timetables and plan your bus journey throughout the city. Make sure to check this website regularly to be aware of variations and changes.
The subway, "metropolitana" or "metro", connects Collegno, a town in the west side of the city, with Lingotto Expo and enables one to cover in 20 minutes a distance that would take more than an hour on the ground.
More information is available on the GTT website.
Around the city there is plenty of taxi stands. Taxi rides can be reserved also by calling the taxi companies:
UniTo has more than 120 sites and facilities located in seven main poles between Turin and the municipalities on the outskirts and every day the university community - students, lecturers and technical-administrative staff - covers more than 100,000 kilometres for home-work journeys and between the various sites.
The University of Turin promotes various forms of sustainable mobility as part of its commitment to environmental sustainability and proposes initiatives to encourage the use of public, shared and non-motorised transport.
Among the virtuous ways to reach the UniTo sites, an optimal solution is the multi-modal combination of public transport and bicycle, in cases where the distance to be covered by bicycle is excessive and the bus or train does not stop in front of the house.
The bicycle is a friend of the environment and quality of life because it is the vehicle that allows maximum efficiency of movement without requiring the consumption of fuel or other energy sources, while occupying the minimum possible space (little more than that of the person himself). For these reasons, it has become a typical tool in policies to reduce motorised traffic in cities all over the world.
UniTo is also working in this direction: it is preparing a series of incentive measures relating to parking, the use of bike sharing, and the identification of cycle paths between university sites.
Turin is equipped with a modern and very well organized bike-sharing system called TO-BIKE and enables you to pick up a bicycle in one of the 116 TO-BIKE stations scattered all over the city and give it back to the TO-BIKE station closest to your destination. It is very cheap and gives you the chance to explore the city along unconventional routes! Different subscription plans are available.
Car sharing was one of the first forms of the sharing-economy to achieve widespread popularity. The use of shared cars, easily available in the city and at competitive costs, including fuel and parking, provides an incentive to leave private vehicles at home for daily commuting.
UniTo promotes car-sharing as an alternative to the private car; the University staff already uses it for journeys related to institutional activities.
If you study or work at the University of Turin you can benefit from an agreement with car2go-Sharenow. More information is available on the page UniTo promuove la sharing mobility: convenzione di Ateneo con car2go-Sharenow (in Italian).
Active car-sharing services in the city:
Carpooling private cars, grouping passengers who make the same journey at the same times, is another way to keep traffic under control. UniToGo will try to map informal car-pooling experiences already active within the University, to assess the feasibility of a future organisation of the practice at company level.
For longer journeys, e.g. to non-metropolitan locations, you can use car-pooling services, sharing the car of a colleague making the same journey.